
“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
― C.S. Lewis
I am a bookworm..
There is no better pleasure in life than a good book with a steaming cup of tea
I am a Yogini...
It is my calling spiritually... When you are mindful of nothing else but the pose and your breath..
I am a traveller...
I have been fortunate to meet wonderful people, visit great places and learn and see things. This space is place to record some of those memories.
I am a movie buff...
I love movies and have spent countless hours watching, analyzing and debating movies with my loved ones.
I am a foodie...
Most of my memories are tied to food. I tend to associate places, events, even people with food. To me Madrid was the place where we enjoyed wonderful sizzling garlic shrimp, while Pune is always associated with kavre buwa's ice-cream, Kayani cakes and Shrewsbury biscuits, warm summers and Misals.